please answer of observations and conclusion and extended learning

please answer of observations and conclusion and extended learning With Fun rest in a fixed direction .22 always Activity a may, AIM: of chalk wooden stand, thre%ld and piece CROCEDURE : a wooden stand with the thread. 3. Allow It tocorne to rest. the ground, when the magnet comestorest. thedirectionwhen itcomestorest. Rotate the magnet in other direction and note the final direction in which it come tu OBSERVATION AND CONCLUSION: EXTENDED LEARNING : Why do sailors use the magnetic compass while are on the sea ?

Dear Student,

Since it's an activity you should perform it and answer the observation and conclusion.
Please follow the instructions,  it's a simple activity.
Make sure that there is no hindrance in free movement of magnet.
Solving extended learning question for you.

A magnetic compass will continue to operate in heavy water cloud cover, when astronomical clues might be unavailable .A magnetic compass is critical piece of  marine navigational equipment.simply put the magnetic needle ,suspended freely,points north because of forces caused by earth magnetic field.once north direction is known other directions can be determine easily found.


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