Please answer these

Please answer these Answer the rollouing questions. QI. Discuss the important sources help in the study of hislcuy of modern India. 02. What do you know atxuat James Mill? Most of the British governrnent offices kept a record of all processes. When and why did the system start in India'? Define Colonisation. What was the outcome Of the rapid progress Of technology in Europe? Define the terms: Colonies Archieve

Dear Student

Please ask single query in a thread. However, one of your queries has been answred here

Q 4.  The term Colonisation refers to a situation when the subjugation of one country by another leads to political, economic,cultural & social changes (in the country which is subjugated)

For instance, when the British came to India, they conquered India & established their rule by subjugating local nawabs & rajas

b)  They established control over the economy & society, collected revenue to meet their expenses, bought the goods they wanted at low prices & even produced crops they needed for export.

c)  This lead to major social and economic changes in the Indian values and tastes, custom and practices etc


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archievse is a place where official records were store
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