Please answer these questions from "The stoey of my life"

Please answer these questions from "The stoey of my life" ASSIGNMENTS PART A. Global ions on theme and plot mark. involunu interpretation and inference Whv the write,• that 'he hoppy did 'o" 2, How the loge her power? 3 Whor that thme that the could not throueh he, despite het ' v"eon and heanng power? 4. Why did rhe the of an outob•otrophy o S. Why no hos hod NO oncesto,-s ond no "Ove has had no king omong hd PARTR Questions on character sketches (to be described in about 100 words) l. both before her ond hear ond bent deprived of these her 2 ofArthur H a 6

Dear Student, 

Given below is the answers to your questions:

Answer 1: Helen says that these happy days did not last long because in one dreary February, an illness took over her and her ears and her eyes were closed. In the many years to come she would remain deaf and blind, ignorant of all what happened around her. It was called the congestion of the stomach and brain and none expected Helen to live longer. However, the fever left her deaf and blind for the rest of her life. 

Answer 2: Helen Keller was born with the ability to see and hear. At 18 months old, she contracted an illness described by doctors as "an acute congestion of the stomach and the brain", which is scarlet fever or meningitis. Meningitis often attacks children and aged,  it attacks during the change of the season and often leaves its victims deaf. Helen was a child and got the disease when spring was getting over and winter was approaching. Thus , she was likely affected by this viral disease.

Answer 3: The things that Helen remembers from her childhood in spite of her disabilities was the first word she uttered before she fell ill. How she remembered the word  "water" even after her illness. For water she would make some sound such as "wah wah". What she especially remembers the tenderness with which her mother cared for her when Helen was ill. Helen remembers being attracted by the flickering shadows of the leaves.   

To obtain assistance on the remaining queries, we would request you to kindly post them in separate threads and in typed format.
Thank you. 

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