Please answer thus with appropriate explanation of the answer question number 49

Statement A: The direction of transmission of Nerve impulse at a synapse is not fixed

Statement R: Dendrite cannot secret neurotransmitter

(A) Statement A and R both are •wrong
(B) Statement A and R both are correct R not explanation of A,
(C) Statement A is correct and R wrong.
(D) Statement A and R both are correct R is the explanation of A

Dear student,

Answer: A) Statement A and R both are wrong.

Nerve impulses travel only in one direction. The nerve cells are lined up head to tail all the way down a nerve track. The tiny gaps between these cells are known as synapses. Nerve impulses pass from cell to cell by crossing synaptic junctions. 
So the statement A is wrong.

Vesicles of neurotransmitters are present in the presynaptic terminal button. The electrical impulses from the action potential reach the axon end and signal the terminal buttons to release the neurotransmitters into the synapse. These neurotransmitters travel through the synapse and bind to the dendrites of the neighboring neurons.
So the statement R is also wrong.



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