please answerQ1,2

please answerQ1,2 -WDStacles and hurdles are part and parcel Of life.' The BrooK Leu tie never to give up under any cin:umstances. Express your views in on the given statement. Prose : How I Taught My Grandmother to Read QI. She nodded but did not reply. I did not understand and forgot about it. In the night, after dinner, we were sleeping in the open terrace of the house. It was a summer night and there was a full moon. a) Who are 'she' and 'I' in the above extract? b) What did 'I' forget about? c) What was 'she' upset about? Q2. 'My grandmother never went to school, so she could not read.' a) What was the grandmothefs name? b) How did the grandmother know the details of the story published in her favourite magazine? c) The grandmother had not gone to school because oem Nnd

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