please anwer the following questions

2. Underline the letter or letters representing/f/in each of the following words.

file slough faint lift

cough defence afford enough

photograph staff tough aloofaffront philosophy sophistry3. Imagine that you are the poet. You have come to your native valley to meeta famous preacher called Ernest. Narrate the incident of your first meetingwith him.4. (i) Put each of the following in the correct order to construct sentences.z a resident of Noida near Delhi,/is visually impaired/George Abraham,z sport is a powerful tool/the disabled/He believes that/forrehabilitation of(ii) Now rearrange the sentences above to construct a paragraph.George Abraham,

cough defence afford enough

photograph staff tough aloof affront philosophy sophistry

(i) Put each of the following in the correct order to construct sentences.
z a resident of Noida near Delhi,/is visually impaired/George Abraham,
George Abraham, a resident of Noida near Delhi, is visually impaired.

z sport is a powerful tool/the disabled/He believes that/for rehabilitation of
He believes that sport is a powerful tool for rehabilitation of the disabled.
(ii) Now rearrange the sentences above to construct a paragraph.George Abraham,
  1. George Abraham
  2. resident of Noida near Delhi
  3. visually impaired
  4. but self confident and courageous
  5. believes that sport is a powerful tool for the rehabilitation of disabled
  6. plays cricket
  7. uses a special ball with a tinkle inside
  8. judges the ball with the help of the sound 
  9. live example of hard work and determination


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