Please can i have the story of Karthus in english.....

The story goes like this. It is set in the time of the Indian freedom struggle

Once there was a great and brave indian soldier called Vazir Ali , he was charged of murdering a English lawyer and he has escaped from the police and hideden somewhere in the jungle the COMPANY orders that the COLONEL and LIEUTENT catch him as soon as possible . so they venture in the jungle to find him out with thier armies . one night when the colonel and lieutent were having a discussion on how to catch vazir ali . one soldier came inside and told them that there was a horse rider coming towards their camp . they ordered to keep a eye on him . after some time the soldier again came in and told that the rider wants to meet the colonel . the colonel tells the soldier to bring in the rider . the rider comes in and asks the lieutent to leave the camp for just some time for some secret talk . the lieutent goes out . the rider says that he is a soldier of vazir ali and has come here to help him . he says that catching vazir ali is a very tough job . so he asks the colonel for some help .he asks for some bullets and the colonel hands him 10 bullets . just as the rider is about to leave the colonel asks his name and the rider replies VAZIR ALI and he leaves . after he leaves the lieutent comes in and asks who was he? the colonel replies ' A BRAVE SOLDIER '

the story is not exactly the same but i hope it helps you

  • 87

thanks a lot abhas

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Thanks man!
  • -5
Thanks a helped me
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thanks a lot abhas
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  • -2
Thanks so much! It helped a lot @Abhas :)
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Thanks bub!
  • -4
thanks dude !
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Here is the answer in hindi for all those who need it..
कारतसू वजीर अलᜊ पर आधाᜊरत कहानी है। इस कहानी मᜊउस साहसी ᜊयिᜊत के कारनामᜊ का वणनᔪ 耂कया गया है। वजीर अलᜊ अवध के नवाब आ耂सफ़उᜊौला का पᜊु था। ईᜊट इं耂डया कंपनी नेउसेशासन सेव耂चतं कर उसके चाचा को उसके राᜊय को सᜊप ᜊदया था। तब सेवह अᜊं ेजᜊ का क頄र 耂वरोधी हो गया। उसका यहᜊ उᜊेᜊय था कᜊ अᜊं ेजᜊ को अपनेदेश सेᜊनकाल बाहर करना। वह इतना बहादरु व ᜊनडर ᜊयिᜊत था कᜊ अकेलेहᜊ अᜊं ेजी सेना के खेमेमᜊघसु कर अᜊं ᜊजी अफ़सर सेकारतसू ᜊाᜊत कर 耂लया। उसकᜊ बहादरुᜊ के आगेवह अफ़सर भी नतमᜊतक हो गया। मᜊआशा करती हूँ耂क आपको आपके ᜊᜊन का उᜊतर 耂मल गया होगा। ढेरᜊ शभु कामनाएँ! ..

hope it helps..
  • 2
Who is sadath ali??
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tnq abbas! finds 2 b very useful!
  • -1
Can I get the ab kahan dhosri duk se dhuk ho ne vala in english
  • -5
kartoos was a human being
  • -1
How did Wazir Ali shed the rebellion against the company Bahadur in entire India
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Give a detailed summary
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may god bless you ABHAS SHARMA
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I don't know
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Hi bro u play ping??
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Vazir Ali had called upon Shahe Zama the king of afghnaistan, shamsudaulah and tipu sultan to discuss plans for eradication of the british colonies
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