Please check it carefully.
Please check it carefully. Fill in the blanks with n. an or the : Ji saw puzzle. es cially on Is there anyone who doesn't enpy afternoon In fact. L' morec mphcated tnore challenging 't _ family as putting together elaborate puzzle is . It is Ideal game fot shows how to work and have fun to ther. City of London. named John Spilshury. who in | 790• It was _ mapmaker from mounted one of his world maps _ sheet ofhanvood and cut around borders of e countncs using A, saw, pieces t learn how students had to put together all d t t)érent tirst jigsaw Was countrtes wete connected to one another. Needless to say c Omission of Articles hit.

Dear student,

The answers are as follows:
  1. the
  2. a
  3. the
  4. the
  5. the
  6. an
  7. a
  8. an
  9. a
  10. the
  11. a
  12. the
  13. a
  14. the
  15. the
  16. the
  17. the
  18. a

  • 0
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