please describe me kreb's cycle


Krebs cycle is a set of biochemical reactions which are a part of aerobic respiration and utilize acetate generated from carbohydrates, fats and proteins for generation of energy. It also generates NADH in the process.

Krebs cycle takes place in the mitochondrial matrix and involves complete oxidation of pyruvate generated through glycolysis  by stepwise removal of all hydrogen atoms, which leaves three molecules of CO 2. The cycle can be explained as 

Formation of Acetyl Coenzyme A

  • The product of glycolysis, i.e., pyruvate, on entering the mitochondrial matrix, undergoes Oxidative Decarboxylation, thereby producing acetyl CoA which enters Krebs cycle. 


Krebs cycle (Tricarboxylic acid cycle; TCA)

  • Acetyl group condenses with oxaloacetic acid and water to yield citric acid (catalysed by the enzyme citrate synthase)
  • Citrate isomerises into isocitrate
  • Two successive decarboxylation steps follow, leading to the formation of α ketoglutaric acid, followed by succinyl CoA
  • This is followed by the conversion of succinyl CoA into succinic acid (substrate level phosphorylation). In a coupled reaction, GTP is converted into GDP, simultaneously synthesising ATP from ADP.
  • Conversion of one molecule of pyruvate into acetyl CoA yields 1 molecule of CO 2 and 1 NADH.
  • One Krebs cycle yields 2 CO 2 + 3 NADH + 1 FADH 2 + 1 ATP
  • Overall equation: 
  • For continued oxidation of acetyl CoA in TCA 2 things are required:

    • Continued replenishment of oxaloacetic acid
    • Regeneration of NAD + and FAD + from NADH and FADH 2 respectively.


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This is the simpliest explanation I found in searching. There are also more complicated animations for Biology II. Chemical reaction that uses oxygen and produces carbon dioxide and has to do with energy.

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The Krebs cycle (or citric acid cycle) is a part of cellular respiration. Named after Hans Krebs, it is a series of chemical reactions used by all aerobic organisms to generate energy. Its importance to many biochemical pathways suggests that it was one of the earliest parts of cellular metabolism to evolve.

The Krebs cycle comes after the link reaction and provides the hydrogen and electrons needed for the electron transport chain. It takes place inside mitochondria.

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