Please distinguish between dependent and independent variable. Please answer soon as possible.

Dear Student,
In an equation, there are two types of variables: independent and dependent. These values represent mathematical tools that are used in an experiment.

Independent variables are values that can be changed in a given equation or experiment. Think of an independent variable as your input. An independent variable represents information that you put in to the equation.

Dependent variables are values that result directly from the independent variable. Ultimately, they depend on the independent variable. You do not put this information into the equation or experiment but instead observe or discover it.


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The values oF
both?variables?may change?in an?experiment and are recorded. The?difference is?that the value of the?independent variable is?controlled by the experimenter, while the value of the?dependent variable?only changes in response to the?independent variable.
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The independent variables depend on other numbers or variables by addition,subtraction,etc. whereas the dependent variables stand on their own without the support of any other number(s)
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right answer .. .. 
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