Please do conjunctios

Please do conjunctios WARM-UP Fill in the blanks with conjunctions from the boxes. as soon as a. The Mayor was angry, ....S,Q.. if while .. he did not speak to anyone. b. The patient will take an appointment — he feels the need for I revised the lesson. c. My teacher checked my notes . Mohitcould not travel to Singapore his tickets werenotbo• — I do not get stuck in traff . I will come via the other road LOOK '-fiüiunctions ioin words, phrases and s€

Dear student,

The answers are as follows:
  1. so
  2. as soon as
  3. while
  4. since
  5. if

  • 0
b as soon as
c while
d since
e if
  • 1
As soon as
  • 1
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