Please expert give the ans fast

Such questions are meant to test your writing skills and should be attempted on your own. However, these points might help you elaborate:
- True education is a multifarious concept that aims at the overall development of an individual.
- Unfortunately, formal education still focuses on academic achievements and lays emphasis on securing a good percentage or good grades.
- With various career options available for children after schooling and professional qualification, there is urgent need for a shift in the focus of education.
- The role of education in today's world is vast: imparting a skill set to prepare students for better job opportunities, teaching them desirable social skills to form meaningful relations.
- It should also be able to inculcate the timeless values of honesty, sincerity and diligence in students.
- The fast paced modern world is accompanied by stress and tension: education must help studnets imbibe patience and perseverance.
- It also must propagate tolerance: a quality much-needed in today's intolerant times!

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