Please explain the line inside the brackets in a more detailed way...

Please explain the line inside the brackets in a more detailed way... 9 3 3 1 Thus, the ratio of each phenotype (or appearance) of the seeds in the F2generation is 9 : 3 : 3 : 1. This is known as the dihybrid ratio. Mendel observed that he had started with two combinations of characteristics in seeds : round-yellow and wrinkled-green, and gyyo nevyspmbinations of characteristics had appeared in the F tion : round- green and wrinkled-yellow (see Figure 13).lQn the basis of this observation, Mendel concluded t though the two pairs of original characteristics (seed shape and colour) separate and behave inde endently in subsequent generationej The results of dihybrid cross enabled Mendel to formulate his second law of inheritance which is ccordin2 to Mendel's second law of inheritance : In the inheritance

Dear student,

This explains the second law of Inheritance that is Law of Segregation which states that the two alleles of a pair segregate or separate during gamete formation such that a gamete receives only one of the two factors. In homozygous parents, all gametes produced are similar; while in heterozygous parents, two kinds of gametes are produced in equal proportions.


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I'm not much of an explainer but.. 
  • Mendel performed various experiments to study genetics and variations. 
  • He took pea as his mode of finding out.
  • He took two types of peas - round & yellow and wrinkled & green. 
  • Now, these two made to mate (or whatever is the right term). 
  • We're aware that both of these obviously carried a pair of chromosomes that made them round-yellow (RRYY) and wrinkled-green (rryy). 
  • The first generation of these two parent peas, F1 generation would carry both the genes, however since round-yellow is a dominant trait, F1 generation would have only round-yellow seeds despite possessing the other genes.
  • The second generation, F2 generation shows variation. 
  • As discussed, F1 carried (RRYY) and (rryy) both. These traits were passed down to the F2 generation where finally a variation was observed. Wrinkled-yellow and round-green peas were made, i.e, a trait of the original parent peas was interchanged. 
  • On this basis, Mendel decided (and which was true) that the traits had combined in the F1 gen, only and couldn't make a change.. upon further gen's, they separately behave to create a new variation. 

Hope this helps! Thumbs up please! :) 
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