Please explain the meaning of statements : (a),(b) and (d).
1. Which of the following is/are correct:
(a) In single electron species subshells of same shell are degenerate in the absence of external electric and magnetic field
(b) In multielectron atoms, orbitals of same subshell are degenerate in the absence of external electric and magnetic field
(c)  3d subshell is filled completely before 4s
(d) Energy order of subshell s in single electron species is decided by (n + l) rule

Dear Student,

(a) Degenerate means they have same energy. This line states that in single electron species subshell of same shell have same energy in absence of external electric and magnetic field. i.e. s, p,d or f subshell of shell 1 or 2 or 3, etc will have same energy.(b) Here it is said that orbitals i,e, px, py or pz of subshell 2p will have same energy. Similarly for d and f subshell. (d) It is said here that energy order of s subshell is governed by n+l rule. 

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