please explain this

please explain this out into the Decca 'Tunvon years old that can be raiSed to thi Status n country at between fre *earning lava that 2. one hundred million years in Rajmahal Bihar. 3 Two hundred and Sixty onssa. (Microfossils and Fossil Fuel Exploråtion : study helps in understanding and locating cod Land hydrocarbon sources. Palynofossus - tiny microscopic spores, and other — assist us in interpreting ancient environmental conditions favourable for organic matter accumulatkn ard conversion to fossil fuels by transformation and subsequent thermal alteration. By quantitative analysis of mwofossils. it is possible to determine the approximate location and configuration of near shore marine which are in turn responsible for formation and accumulation o! hydrocarbons. The main of hydrocarbons are phytoplankton. marine and terrestrial algae as well as lipid-rich plant remains, Thus, ttE Of fossil plants offers an effective tool in Stratigraphical geology and can b' in tapping Organic fuel resources. ducational Services Pvt. Ltd. Regd.

Dear student

Kindly refer the solution of asked query below

The given topic explains about the searching of microfossils and fossils fuels inside the earth. Microfossils are remains of microscopic organisms. The study and searching of these fossils is called palaeontology. The palaeontology helps in studying and finding the coal and other hydrocarbons resources inside the earth. 
Palynofossils are the fossils of pollen grains, spores and certain microscopic planktonic organisms. The study of these fossils helps us to understand the conditions of the environment that resulted in the build up of these resources under the earth. This also helps us to understand how these fossils were formed under the earth by various factors like high temperature and pressure inside the earth. 

These fossils are analysed to determine the quantities of all constituents present in them called quantitative analysis. This helps to determine place or habitat where they lived and an arrangement of elements present in the deposits of these fossils buried near seashores. The determination of the location and configuration helps in knowing process of formation and accumulation of hydrocarbons in these fossils. The main source of hydrocarbons in these fossils like coal, petroleum are dead and decayed remains of phytoplanktons (microscopic plants), marine and terrestrial algae including the lipid rich parts of the plants. 

Thus, by studying the fossils fuels, we become aware about the study of rock layers and their formation called stratigraphical geology. This can help in finding and drawing out the fossil fuels from earth. 

​Hope this information clears your doubt about the said topic.


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