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Plant hormone  Chemical name Synthetic example Functions Important terms 
with explanation
Auxin   Indole-3-acetic acid (IAA, 3-IAA) 1) 2, 4 Dichloro phenoxy acetic acid (2, 4-D),
2) α-Naphthalene acetic acid (α-NAA),
3) 2,4,5- Trichlorophenoxyacetic acid (2,4,5-T)


1) Apical dominance
2) Control of abscission
3) Auxins like IAA, IBA, NAA induce rooting in stem cuttings of various plants
4) Induce parthenocarpy in some plants like tomato, cucumber, pepper, etc
5) Differentiation of xylem and phloem
Apical dominance is the phenomenon whereby the main, central stem of the plant is dominant over  other side stems.

Abscission -
the natural detachment of parts of a plant.

Parthenocarpy -
the development of a fruit without prior fertilization.
Gibberellins gibberellin A3 or C19H22O6
or Gibberellic acid.
GA-3 1) facilitate cell elongation,
2) help the plants to grow taller. 
3)  major roles in germination, elongation of the stem,
4) fruit ripening and flowering.
Cell elongation is a developmental process that is regulated by light and phytohormones and is of critical importance for plant growth.
Cytokinins N6-furfurylamino purine or Zeatin
1) Benzyl adenine (BA)
2) thidiazuron
1) Helps in promoting cell division and growth of the plant.
2) Used by farmers to increase the production of crops.
3) Plays a major role in plant pathogenesis by inducing resistance against certain disease-causing bacteria.
Cell division is the process by which a parent cell divides into two or more daughter cells.

Parthenogenesis - reproduction from an ovum without fertilization.
Ethylene Ethene Calcium Carbide 1) involved in promoting growth,
2) epinasty,
3) fruit ripening,
4) senescence and breaking of dormancy.
Epinasty -  increased growth on the upper surface of an organ or part, causing it to bend downward.

Senescence - the condition or process of deterioration with age.
Abscissic acid 1-hydroxy-2,6,6-trimethyl-4-oxocyclohex-2-en-1-yl]-3-methylpenta-2,4-dienoic acid  (±)-cis,trans-Abscisic Acid (synthetic) is the synthetic form of Abscisic Acid (ABA)
or Xanthoxine
1) Roles in seed development and maturation,
2) in the synthesis of proteins and compatible osmolytes, which enable plants to tolerate stresses 3) inhibitor of growth and metabolic activities.
Osmoprotectants or compatible solutes are small organic molecules with neutral charge and low toxicity at high concentrations that act as osmolytes and help organisms survive extreme osmotic stress.


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