Please help me to find the answer of how electric current is produces in air ? ASAP

Dear student,

The air that has water vapour being warm rises up, at greater height due to low temperature and pressure, it condenses. Due to condensation water droplets are formed. During this conversion from vapour to liquid, latent heat is released. This latent heat makes the clouds rise up to 12-13 km. At this height, liquid water droplets convert into ice crystals. This continues, till the weight gets so heavy that eventually precipitation occurs.

The surrounding air already has charges, which get transferred to the water droplets. The positive,charges are in the water vapour that move upwards. The negative charges are at the bottom accumulated in the water droplets that fall down.
Thus the lower edges of clouds have negative charge while upper edges of clouds have positive charge.

Now lower edge of cloud is negatively charged, so earth accumulates positive charge. As a result of this potential difference, the electric current is generated and when sufficiently high, it results in thunder and lightning..


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