please help me with a speech for ASLin english

Malcom X rightly said, ‘The media is the most powerful entity on earth. They have the power to make the innocent guilty and to make the guilty innocent, and that’s power. Because they control the minds of the masses.’ 
Yes, media has the power to change the whole thinking style of the society. We tend to believe all that is shown by the news channels and written in the newspapers. Hardly do we stop to think if all of the facts are true or some of it has been fabricated or exaggerated. Blind faith is what we have in the media. And then when it comes to pinning the blame of the deteriorating moral values in the society, we all join our hands together to point at the media. It is popularly believed that media is responsible for the increase in the rate of crime!
 No doubt, media has the power to inspire, persuade, and provoke the masses, but please, don’t be so callous and criticise it for the rise in crime. Let us get this straight, crime started as soon as civilization started. Do you know who committed the first murder on this earth? Was it published in the newspaper then?  Was Hitler inspired by some movie shown on the T. V when he started the Jew genocide? Or were the British under the influence of some documentary when they created mass graves for the Indians who raised their voice against? Do you still believe that the world was a non-violent place before the growth of media? If yes, let me tell you that historical evidences clearly state the brutal acts of violence by rulers who believed in imperialism!
Be practical, friends. Media does not create violence on its own but it only reflects what is going on in the society. It is just a mirror to our actions, and not a projector. We can see many films or documentaries that show us the true face of the society around us, and make us realize some harsh realities and urge us to avoid the prevailing violence.  Watching these films inspires the society to raise its voice and stop the violence. Similar case can be shown by presenting the example of Animal Planet. On this channel there are many programmes depicting the violence of humans against the animals. These shows do not propagate the attacks but make us realize the pain of the animals.
The truth is that the provocation to commit crime comes from environment. Most of the time people are much more influenced by friends or some demagogue whose offensive provocation is the main driving force for the crime.

The belief that the crime rate is proportional to the exposure to violent stories is false, and we should not ignore the fact that the growth of media has led to the awareness among the people. Without the media it would never have been possible to witness and realize the atrocities faced by helpless people all over the world, we could never have taken measures to rescue the victims of violence, if we were unaware of their existence. Media does not highlight violence, it has no intention of glorifying criminals, it simply gives attention to the victims of crime.

Earlier, even if the crime rate was high, the awareness of these crimes was less. People never realized that heinous crimes take place every day, hence they believed that the crime rate is low, but now, the awareness has increased, and as the media tells stories of violence every day, thus people perceive that the rate of crime has increased! You should realize that criminals are often driven by psychological factors and traumatic personal experiences, and it is unwise to say that crimes are a result of the negative influence of media.
I would like to end my speech with a reminder that media has the power to inspire, but you cannot blame it for the birth of criminals. Remember, generally motivation leads to crime, rather than inspiration!



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Our Environment is an essential part of our life. It is the source for us to live and to do any of our actions such as eating, playing, working, enjoying, walking, breathing, hearing and drinking. The environment is our surroundings.

The quality of our life depends on the quality and proper existence of our environment. Environment includes the atmosphere, surrounding geographical area, natural resources etc.

Long ago, people could live according to principles dictated by environment in a way that is harmless to the environment. In these days we are harming and degrading the environment and indirectly harming ourselves physically and biologically. So the ecological system or ecosystem is affected. Its balance is affected and recycling phenomena of ecosystem are tampered.

Power of the technology and science has enabled the man to exploit the use of environment for selfish and indiscriminate use and create a problem for everyone. The causes are:

2. Depletion of water under surface of earth
3.Growth of population
4.Rapid urbanisation
5. Extinction of some species, Loss of bio diversity
6.Air pollution (greenhouse gases), drinking water pollution,
river pollution by mixing poisonous chemicals
7. Global warming
8.Depletion of ozone layer
9. Depletion of oil and gas reserves and natural resources like minerals.

We have to adapt to the environment. We have to follow regenerative and recycling mechanisms. We need to use resources in a discriminate manner. Otherwise, existence of humanity will become a question. People will suffer with a lot of diseases. Famines and cyclones will become more frequent. Rains will become very untimely and damaging instead of helping agriculture.

Action related to environment needs to be done together by governments of various countries and the United Nations Organisation , at a global level. Long term planning and monitoring of actions of private corporations is needed.The young must be educated to live in harmony with environment rather than exploit it.
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