Please solve 11 and 12 by doing each and every step and statement..

Please solve 11 and 12 by doing each and every step and statement.. 'olume and Surface Area of Solids 301 12. The floor ofa rectangular hall has a perimeter of 250 m. Its height is 6 m. Find the cost pain • g its four ( ft- [Hint : Area of four walls + b) x h = perimeter of the floor x height] The dimensions ofa hall are 20 m x 16 m x 1 2 m. Find the cost of white washing the walls at the rate Of e 15 per sq.m., if the hall 5 windows each 2m x I m and 8 doors each 2. m x I m. VOLUME oduction •he container is filled with water to the level spout. If a solid is put into the water, some will now out into the measuring beaker. The le of this water will be equål to the volume Of lid. can use cubes to measure volume. cube with a side of / cm has a volume Of I vntimetre which is written 1 cm

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