Please solve

21.  Find Compound interest paid when a sum of Rs 10000  is invested for 1 year and 3 months at 8.5% per annum compounded annually. Would  this interest be more than the interest  he would get if it was compounded half yearly? 

22.  The cost of production plant is Rs 90000. If its value depreciates at 10% annually, find the value of the plant after 4 years.

Dear student,

Principal P=Rs 10000Time t=1+312=114yearsRate R=8.5%Now Amount to be paid after 1 yearA=P1+R100tA=100001+8.51001A=100001+851000A=100001+17200A=10000×217200A=50×217A=Rs 10850CI =A-P=10850-10000=Rs 850Amount to be paid after 14 yearSI=PRT100SI=10000+850×8.5×1100×4SI=10850×85×11000×4SI=Rs 230.56Total interest to be paid in componded annually=Rs 850+Rs 230.56=Rs 1080.56For compounded half yearlyPrincipal P=Rs 10000Time t=1+312=54×2=52years=2 years and 5 monthsRate R=172×12=174%Amount to be paid after 2 yearsA=100001+174002=100004174002=10000×417400×417400=17388916=10868.06CI =A-P=10868.06-10000=Rs 868.06Amount to be paid after 5 monthsSI=10000+868.06×8.5×5100×12=10868.06×8.5×5100×12=Rs 384.91Total interest to be paid in half yearly=868.06+384.91=Rs 1252.97No, interest would be more in half yearly case.


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