Please solve q 7 of c please try to do it fast.

Dear Student,

In the year 1804, Napoleon Bonaparte was crowned himself Emperor of France. After coming to power, he has introduced the Civil Code of 1804 which came to be known as the Napoleonic Code. It has ended all privileges conferred based on birth, established equality before the law and secured the right to property. Yet, the French army which had conquered many parts of Europe, was later seen with antagonism in many areas conquered by them because of imposition of Censorship, increased taxation, forced conscription, lack of political freedom. Napoleon had converted France to monarchy by destroying democracy. Very soon his armies were considered as invading forces, who sought to curtail freedom of the people. He was defeated by the British army at the battle of Waterloo that took place in Belgium on June 1815. After the defeat in the battle, Napoleon abdicated the throne and was exiled to a remote British island called Saint Helena where he died of ill health.


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