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Please solve this for me vital capacity 01 the long includes. After forceful inspiration. the amount of air that can be breather out by maximum forced expiration is 3. 4. 6. 9. 10. 11. 12. In man and mammals, air passes from outside into the lungs through Nasal cavity. larynx, pharynx, trachea bronchi. alveoli (b) Nasal cavity, Iaomx pharynx. tranchea. bronchioles, alveoli (c) Nasal cavity, pharynx. larynx, trachea, bronchioles. alveoli (d) Nasal cavity. phyrynx, larynx, trachea, bronchi, bronchioles. alveoli During forced expiration, actively contracting muscles inc±ude the (a) Diaphragm (b) External intercostals (c) Abdominal muscles (d) Diaphragm and intestinal muscle Carbon dioxide is transported via blood to lungs mostly (a) As caröaminohaemoglobin and as carbonic acid (b) In the form Of carbonic acid only (c) In combination with haemoglobin only (d) Dissolved in blood plasma In which of the following animals is found dissolved in plasma or, In which of the following animals. respiration occurs with out any respiratory organ (a) Planaria (b) Cockroach (c) Bronchiole (d) Alveoli The most important function of diaphragm of the mammals is (a) TO divide the body cavity into compartment (b) To protect lungs (c) To aid in respiration (d) To aid in ventilation Lung ventilation movements are due to (a) costal muscles and diaphragm (b) Costal muscles (c) Diaphragm (d) Wall of the lungs The volume of air present in the lungs after forceful expiration is caned as (b) Residual air (a) Tidal volume (c) complementary air (d) None The volume Of air Which remain in the conducting airways and is not available for gas exchange is called (b) functional residual capacity (a) vital capacity (c) forced expiratory votume (d) Anatomic dead space How much amount of volume of air is in lungs FRC (a) 1500 mlto (b) 2100 mlto (b) 2500 3000 ml (d) 1600 mito 2100 ml The enzyme essential for the transport of C02 as bicarbonate in blood is (a) Carboxypeptidase (b)succinic dehydrogenase (c) Carbonic anhydrase (d) Thrombokinase (e) Lactase The area of inner surface of bronchiole is (c) ICO m? (d) 1000 m2 (a) 1 10m: Residual volume is (a) Lesser than tidal volume (b) Greater than inspiratory volume (c) Greater than vital capaciti (d) Greater than tidal volume 13 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23, equal to (c) ERV*TV (b) ERV+RV (d) IRV+TV (e) RV+ERV+TV.IRV The partial pressure Of oxygen in the alveolar air is (a) 45 mn Hg (b) 95 mm Hg (c) 1 04 mm Hg (d) 110 mmHg (e) 125 mm Hg The volume Of •anatomical dead space' air is normally (a) 230 ml (b) 210ml (c) (d) 150 ml The urge to inhale in humans results from (b) Rising PO' (a) Rising pcoz (d) Falling P02 (c) PC02 The exchange Of gases in the alveoli of the lungs takes place by (a) Osmosis (c) Passive transport (b) Simple diffusion (d) Active transport Choose the right sequential phenomena among the following during the delivery of 02 from blood to tissue p, Absorption Of C02 by the blood O. Reaction of absorbed C02 with H20 to from H2C03 within RBC and its conversion into H' and CHO:- R. Reaction of absorbed C02 with H20 in plasma to form H2C03 and its conversion into H - and HCO,• ions S. Combination Of with haem portion Of Hö02 to release 07 T, combination of HC03• with haem potlion Hb02 to form reduced haemoglobin and release of 02 (a) P,QT (b) Whigh Of the following is used for long term energy storage by animals (a) Amino acids (c) Fat (b) Glucose (d) Glycogen The major fraction of C02 released during cellular respiration is transported by the blood to the lung capillarie5 Approxiamtely seventy percent of carbon-dioxide aboserbed by the blood will be transported to the lungs (a) In combination With haemoglobin (b) As free COZ (c) As carbonic add or H2C03 (d) In the form Of bicarbonate ions During inspiration the diaphragm (a) Relaxæ to become dome-shaped (b contracts and natters (c) Expands (d) Show no change Chloride shift accurs in respond to (c) HCOs• (d) Nat Identify the correct statement with reference to transport of respiratory gases by blood is necessary for transport Of oxygen dioxide and carbonic anhydrase for transport of Oxygen

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