Please solve this questions

Please solve this questions 2. qft•nq 5 Find the perimeter of a rectangle whose length and breadth is 5 cm and 4 cm respectively. Find the product Of — and it's reciprocal. 4. 512 -t Express 512 as a power of 8. Write True or False: eThe coefficient of x in the expression 7 — 3x is 3." (Section B) Fill in the blanks: (i) Two line segments are congruent if (ii) Two angles are congruent if 7. qRH1q 14 Find the perimeter of a semicircle, if diameter is 14 cm. (Take n = — ) (i) 0.32+2.88 Match the following: Column — I (a) (b) (iii) Column - II 67 3S

2. length = 5
 breadth = 4
perimeter =2x(L+B)

3. Reciprocal = 8/7
          7/8 x 8/7 =1

4. 8^3
5. -3
6. (i) the lines are equal.
     (ii)the angles are equal
7. 1/2[22/7x14] = 22
8. (i) 3.2
    (ii) 2 1/5
9. (a) - (iii)
      (b) - (iv)
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