Please solve this

Please solve this DEGREE OF COMPARISON as directed : Change the degree of Comparison : (1) One of the commonest and most troublesome insects in the world is the rnosquito. (Change the de (Change the de The past or the future is not as important as the present. (Change the deg (3) Temperature is one of the most important physical factors. Ans. fernt.ÆS. (4) Education is the single most crucial issue. (5) Mother is more than the Earth. (6) You must leave as soon as he co m es. (7) Harish is inferior to Ramesh in intelligence. Ans. .... (Rewrite the sentence using "as (Rewrite using positive de (Change the (Change the (8) Write a sentence in superlative degree to describe one of your favourite persons. Ans. The Spartans were better than the other Greeks because they had aims. (9) Ans. It is one of the fertile regions of the world. (10) (Change the (Change the (Change the

Q 37

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1.)Mosquito is one of the commmon and troublesome insects in the world. 2.)The present is more important than the past or the future. 4.)No other issue is as crucial as education. 5.) The earth is not as much as mother. 6)No sooner did he come than you must leave. 7.) Ramesh is more intelligent than Harish. 10.)No other region in this world is as fertile as this.
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