Please tell fast that, what are poor conductors of sound used for?

Dear Student,
A conductor is a substance that allows electricity or heat to flow through it.
As we know that sound waves are propagated from one medium to another. Sound require a medium to travel from one place to another.
Sound can travel in all three states solid, liquid and gas but of the three mediums sound waves travel the slowest through gases, faster through liquids, and fastest through solids. So the poor mediums of sound are air, gases like helium and oxygen.

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Sound Conductors

Transmission of sound through a material depends on the density of the matter because sound waves require a medium to travel. So, higher density substances are better sound conductors than low-density materials. A vacuum cannot transfer sound at all.

Examples of good sound conductors include:

  • Lead
  • Steel
  • Concrete

Examples of poor sound conductors would be:

  • Feathers
  • Air
  • Cardboard 
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Sound Conductors

Transmission of sound through a material depends on the density of the matter because sound waves require a medium to travel. So, higher density substances are better sound conductors than low-density materials. A vacuum cannot transfer sound at all.

Examples of good sound conductors include:

  • Lead
  • Steel
  • Concrete

Examples of poor sound conductors would be:

  • Feathers
  • Air
  • Cardboard 
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