please tell me the exact meaning of ''accepted her seclusion with resignation''.

 The phrase 'accepted her seclusion with resignation' means that the grandmother took her loneliness calmly and accepted her fate without being sentimental at all..!!

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she accecpted to stay alone in a calm manner here resignation means to stay away

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This phrase shows the author’s grandmother’s passive submission to her secluded life. She surrendered to her situation of separation from her family members, especially the author.

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The excerpt refers to the fact that the grandmother didnt actively voice her opinions against the auther's education or modern ways. She accepteted it and was resigned to the fact that she no  more had a role in her grandsons' life.

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The excerpt refers to the fact that the grandmother didnt actively voice her opinions against the auther's education or modern ways. She accepteted it and was resigned to the fact that she no  more had a role in her grandsons' life.

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This shows the authors grandmothers passive submission to her secluded life after she gradually loses touch with her grandson.

Hope this helpss!

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The phrase states that the grandmother had accepted her separation from the life of her grandson without any objection.
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When author went to the university, he get his own room and the link of friendship b/w his grandmother and him snapped away.This separation was accepted by her without any protest or objection and engaged herself in other activities like spinning wheel, reciting prayers and feeding sparrows.
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I says he is reading
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This mean that the grandmother accepted her state of loneliness and isolation without any disapproval.
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This phrase proves the fact that the grandmother is a person of strong and rigid character. The phrase "accepted her seclusion with resignation" means that the grandmother accepted her loneliness in a calm and composed manner without further quarrels with the author. This also proves the level of acceptance she has.
Hope it is helpful.
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