Please tell the answer of 15th (ii) part

Please tell the answer of 15th (ii) part (i,i) -uOO f" fro m second in the ing. (iii) -93. 307 -35632. s _ i .15) ao 6-7-(-23) (iii) -4) (3 -4) blaoK' or to make each sentence true. - (-23) ¯-30 30 (iv) (-25) (iv) -60-(-38/ - (-23) + (-23) (-251-15 Greenland is made entircly of ice. The outside temgrrature is —350C and the ins&' of a rærn IS — I OCC. What is the difference between the inside and outside temrrrüurc? time temperature on Moon can reach 1 300C. At night the temperature can drop to —1 B bigh is the rnaxmum temperature than the minimum temperature? the sum of NO and 170 from —45. (ii) 865 and —493 from the difference of —380 and 675. Choice Questions (MCQs) 4 Hnptuck whale swimming on the water's surface dives 250 m. [t then dives anodrr 75 uhicb lion? represents this si -to + 05) (c) -250 + 75 expression has a yalue greater than —3? is true? sum of two negative integers is a positive integer. 250 + ofa negative integer and a positive integer is always a negative integer

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