plllzz ans (F)all parts

plllzz ans (F)all parts blood to fight and : S. The vaccine that h0'ps to produce immunity. 4. Type ot immunity Which is inborn and depends on 5. Category O; proteins to which antibodies belong 6. A vaccjne produced by attenuated virus. F. Briefly describe the following terms and then answer as directed after each. 1. Antiseptic: Name an antiseptic 2. Disinfectant: Give three examples 3. Antitoxin: Simply define 4. Antibodies: Name the category of proteins to Which they belong 5. Antibiotic: Give one example G. Given below in the box is a set of 18 biological terms, out of these 12 6 matching pairs. Of the 6 pairs, one has been done for you as an example. Writ 5 matching pairs. Number the pairs made by you as 1 to 5. BOG, Tetanus, Acquired immunity, MMR, Weakened microbes, Penicillin v TT Antibiotic, Mumps and rubella, Measles, Immunity agains

Dear student, 
Please find below the solution to the asked query        

1. Antiseptics are antimicrobial substances that are applied to living tissue/skin to reduce the possibility of infection, sepsis, or putrefaction. Antiseptic is usually in the form of an ointment and also as spray. 
Example- Chlorhexidine (CHX)

2. Disinfectants are used primarily to sanitise an object that is they are antimicrobial agents that are applied to non-living objects to destroy micro-organisms. Disinfectant usually comes in liquid form or in a spray. 
Examples: Sulfur dioxide, hydrogen peroxide and phenols.

Antitoxin is the antibody that has the ability to neutralize a specific toxin.

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