Pls cut short this para into 5 points

Pls cut short this para into 5 points Coelom - 'Ciera the It separates the digestive And other organs iron' (hc body A truc body cavity or coelom i. one that is located within t mesodcrnv Based on the nature the coelom. aninials are divided 3 groups (Figure 4 V Organisms thc earthwortn arc caned coelomates or eticoelo•natcs because they coelorvv an example of an because does not hays' Animals IITÜKÜGundworm have -cavity but located endoderm and the mesoderm.

Dear student.

Coelom is the body cavity. It is a fluid-filled cavity formed within the mesoderm of some animals.

The body of some animals is made up of three layers of cells, the outer ectoderm, the middle mesoderm and the inner endoderm.

The body cavity or the coelom is the space enclosed by the mesoderm where the internal organs are suspended. Some animals do not have a true coelom but the mesoderm is present in scattered pouches. Such animals are said to be pseudocoelomic. For example Phylum Nematoda.

The animals that have a true body cavity are known as coelomic or eucoelomic. For example, phylum Annelida.

The animals that do not have a coelom are called acoelomate. Example, Phylum Porifera.

Hope it is clear to you now,



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