Pls do q3

Pls do q3 Write the statement for the 'law of definite A particle is moving ina circle of diameter 5 m. What is its displacement when it completes •revol'&,. 3. the value of G on the surface of the earth is 6.67 x Nm2/Kg2, what is the value of G on moon if mass ofearth is 100 times larger than moon and radius of earth is about 4 times as that of the moon. 4/¯What are genetically modified crops? AS-Qia dropped a crystal of potassium permanganate in two beaker X and Y containing hot water & cold water respectively. After keeping the beakers undisturbed for 'd she observe & why?

Dear student.
G is a proportionality constant and is known as Universal gravitation constant. The value of G in S.I system is 6.67*10 ^-11 . It remains constant on every surface.


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