Pls help is this right or not

Pls help is this right or not n 7:55 pm class-Vlll-maths - Read-only Sign in to edit and save changes to this f.. VIKAS BHARAT' PUBLIC SCHOOL CLASS - SUBJECT- MATHEMATICS WORKSHEET- i O . A cylindrical vessel without a lid is made from a sheet of metal, Find the area of the metal required if the length Of the vessel is 35 cm and its diameter is 28 cm. Find the volume of a cylinder which is made by rolling a rectangular sheet of size 44 cm x 14 cm along its length. Find the volume of a cylinder which is made by rolling a rectangular sheet Of size 44 cm x 33 cm along its breadth. The Outer diameter Of a pipe is 70 cm and it is 91 m long. Find the cost of painting the outer surface of the pipe at the rate of 10 per square metre. A cylindrical tank has a capacity of 3080 cmS. If its depth is 20 cm, find its .5. A cylindrical tank has a capacity Of 3080 cm3 and di am eter of its base is 28 cm. Find its depth. . HOW many litres of water a hollow right circular cylinder of radius I m and height 7 22 7 m can hold ? Take A rectangular piece of paper with 88 cm long and 7 cm broad is rolled along its 8. length to form a cylinder. Find the volume of the cylinder thus formed. The thickness Of a metallic tube is I cm and the inner diameter Of the tube is 9. 12 cm. Find the weight of 1 m long tube, if the density of the metal is 7.8 g/ cm3 go. How many cubic metres of earth must be dug out to sink a well of 22.5 m deep and diameter 7 m ? Also, find the cost of plastering the inner curved surface at Scanned by CamScanner VIKAS BHARAT' PUBLIC SCHOOL CLASS - Vill

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