pls.solve QUESTION NO 22
Q. PQRST is a regulaer pentagon. Find the values of x, y and z.

Dear Student,

Please find below the solution to the asked query:

Given :  PQRST is a regular pentagon and we know in regular pentagon all five sides are equal to each other and all five interior angles is at 108°. So

PQR  =  QRS  =  RST =  STP = TPQ =  108°                             --- ( 1 )

In PQR , PQ =  QR , SIdes of regular pentagon PQRST , SO from base angle theorem we get :
QPR  =  QRP                          --- ( 2 )

And from angle sum property of triangle we get in PQR :

QPR  +  QRP  +  PQR  =  180° , Substitute values from equation 1 and 2 and get :

QPR +  QPR + 108° = 180° ,

2 QPR = 72° ,

2 x = 72°                                   , From given diagram

x  =  36°

And in RST , RS=  ST , Sides of regular pentagon PQRST , So from base angle theorem we get :
STR  =  SRT                          --- ( 3 )

And from angle sum property of triangle we get in RST :

STR  +  STR  +  RST =  180° , Substitute values from equation 1 and 3  and get :

STR +  STR + 108° = 180° ,

2 STR = 72° ,

STR = 36° , Then from equation 3 we get 

STR  =  SRT = 36°                              --- ( 4 )


RTP + STR =  RTP , Now we substitute values from equation 1 and 4 and get :

RTP + 36° =  108° ,

RTP  = 72° ,

z  =  72° , From given diagram


TRP + SRT +  QRP =  QRS , Now we substitute values from equation 1 and 4 and get :

TRP + 36° QRP=  108° ,

TRP  +  QRP= 72° ,

TRP +  36° = 72°                   (  As in triangle PQR x  = QRP  = 36° )

TRP = 36°

y  =  36° , From given diagram


x  = 36°  , y  = 36° and z  = 72°                                       ( Ans )

Hope this information will clear your doubts about topic.

If you have any more doubts just ask here on the forum and our experts will try to help you out as soon as possible.


  • -2
Hi sanskriti pz wait yar
  • -1
Wht do u want the value of x y z with steps or without
  • -1
with working and steps
  • 1
divide it into square and equilateral triangle
we have,
z + y = x + 90 ( exterior angle property of triangle ptr)
we also have 
y = x (alternative interior angle of pq parallel to tr)
x + prq = 180 (co interior angles) -1
and z + y + prq = 180 ( co interior angle ) -2
from 1 and 2

x + y + z+ 2prq = 180+180
we have x = y 
2x+ 90 + 2prq=360
x+ prq =270/2
x+prq= 135
prq = 90-y
​x+ 90-y = 135
x= 45
  • -3
Please find this answer

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