Plz answer fast!!!!

Dear studentRegards

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1st answer
Joule's law of heating states that the power of heating generated by an electrical conductor is proportional to the product of its resistance and the square of the electric current passing through the conductor.
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2nd Answer.
P = V2/R
If V = 220 V
we have 100 W = 2202/R
R = 2202/100 ? = 484 ?.
This is the resistance of the bulb. When V = 110 V, power consumed = V2/R = 1102
Hope this helps you ????????????
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Ans 5 = if I current is passed through R resistance conductor in T times then the heat produced H= I^2RT

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Ans 5 = if I current is passed through a conductor of resistance R in T tine then the heat produced is H which is H =I^2RT
Ans 6 = R=484 ohm
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