plz expert quickly give the answers... of this page.... fill ups.

Complete the following paragraph by filling the correct form of verbs given in the bracket.
The  British Explorer James Cook was born in village of Marton Yorkshire. But his family soon
 (a) ______ (move) to another village called great Ayton where Cook (b) _________( spend) most of his  his childhood . As a teenager James Cook (c) ________ (develop) a fascination for the sea and (d) _ _ _________(travel) a lot.

Fill in the blanks with suitable modals
If we sit in an incorrect posture, we (a) _______ strain our backs. As far as possible. this (b)_______ avoided. We (c) _________  take out time to perform a few exercises.  It (d) _________ improve our blood circulation.

Dear Student,
Given below are the answers to two of your questions. Kindly post the others in a separate thread.

9. moved; spent; developed; travelled.
10. will; should; must; will

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