Plz explain the carbon cycle and the nitrogen cycle in a easy way plz....???


Carbon Cycle:

Carbon di oxide and oxygen are being continuously consumed and generated by the organisms. Green plants use CO2 during photosynthesis and produce O2 and carbohydrates. During respiration of organisms oxygen and carbohydrates are consumed and carbon di oxide and water are formed.

Thus a balance of carbon di oxide and oxygen is maintained in the biosphere. Recently man started using fossil fuels indiscriminately which results with the increase in carbon di oxide.

Importance of carbon cycle:

Carbon is basic constituent of all living organisms. It exists as carbohydrates, fats, protein and nucleic acids.


Nitrogen Cycle: 

Nitrogen is an important constituent of tissues, enzymes, proteins, nucleic acids and aminoacids. Atmosphere contains about 78% of nitrogen and it cannot be used by plants and animals as molecular nitrogen. It is an essential nutrient for all life forms and the perfect nitrogen cycle in biosphere involves the important steps named, Nitrogen fixation, Ammonification, Nitrification and Denitrification.

  • Nitrogen fixation: The atomospheric nitrogen converts into nitrites by microbes like Rhizobium, blue green algae and azatobactor.
  • Ammonication:Decomposition of dead organic matter into ammonia by fungi and decay bacteria.
  • Nitrification: Ammonia becomes nitrites and then to nitrates by nitrosomonas and nitrobactor.
  • Denitrification: Nitrites in the soil release atmospheric nitrogen by pseudomonas.


Thus, nitrogen cycle in nature passes nitrogen from its elemental form in the atmosphere into simple molecules into soil and water, which get converted into more complex molecules in living beings and back again into simple nitrogen molecule in the atmosphere. That’s why Nitrogen cycle is called as perfect cycle.

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okey, let's make it real simple.(Carbon cycle)

1. carbon is used up by plants, in the process of PHOTOSYNTHESIS, to make sugars.

2. some plants are eaten by other organisms ( herbivores ) which in turn are eaten by other hunters ( carnivores ). but no metter who eats who, plants, herbivores and carnivores will all die one day.
their bodies are decomposed by decomposers, and some are converted into FOSSIL fuels, while some other are carried into the bottom of the oceans, where they form rocks.
the fossils and the rocks come to the surface of the earth, where their Carbon is realeased either by combustion of fuels or by weathering of rocks. this carbon returns to the atmosphere.

3. also, all plants and animals, release carbon Dioxide into the atmosphere as a by product of CELLULAR RESPIRATIOn.

so as you can see, all the carbon returns to the atmosphere, after a while, that's called a CYCLE ( carbon cycle )

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                Nitrogen Cycle

Ah the nitrogen cycle. This happens to be very easy and very straight forward. Ours is a little more advanced because we get taught this at an advanced higher level, but a more easier way for you would be..

Nitrogen is fixed, and it is used by plants and animals and released back into the atmosphere, and the process repeats. 

Decomposed animals and plants release nurtrients into the soil and through pooing. Over millions of years these can be dug down and used as fossil fuels such as oils and fertilisers. Factories burn these and it is released back into the air causing acid rain.

This can be seen in the same way as the nitrogen cycle, only instead of finding fossil fuels and ferlisers, they get nitrates from plants and animals, go through a process called nitrogen fixing bacteria, and these are released back into the atmosphere.

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