Plz solve Q no. 8

Plz solve Q no. 8 20 120 13. '7 Palr or (2) 29, 20 0) •o, 20 (4) 2. Find the Hcp and 14. 28 (iii 32. 16 (iii) 17, 102, 170 49,84 3. Find the LCM_ (i) 36.42 (ii) Is, 30 (iii) 18, 42,48 00 4. (v) 24, 40. 80. Find the smallest number which when divided by S, 9. 10, 20 gives a 5. Reduce the fractions 221 to the lowest terms. 319' 247' 551 6. The LCM and HCF of two numbers are 432 and 72 respectively. If one Of the numbers is 216, What is the other? 7. The product Of two two-digit numbers is 765 and their HCF is 3. What is twit LCM2 8. A trader has three bundles of string 392 m, 308 m and 490 m long. What is the length Of String that the bundles can be cut up into without any left over string 9•. Which two consecutive even numbers have an LCM of 1802

The required answer is quite simply the gcd of these numbers 392, 308 and 490.

392 = 2*2*2*7*7,
308 = 2*2*7*11,

Then gcd = 2*7 = 14m 

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