plz tell me 3 ans in hots

plz tell me 3 ans in hots 81.7 .c.hL-aFIU

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We should not pull a victim of electric shock by bare hands because our body is a conductor thus we'll get shock also. We need to use some insulator like rubber and plastic to save the victim.
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some objects float in water because of their  weight/matter/molecules eg=if we make a boat of paper it will float in water but if we put a small piece of iron it will not float in water because of its weight/matter/molecules this is the reason that some things float in water but some of them cannot float instead of floating they sink in water  
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Dear Akshita ,
We should pull a victim of an electric shock as the human body is a conductor of electricity as well and we too will get the shock .
Except for insulators like rubber and plastic we can also use wood to save the victim of the electric shock .

I hope that my answer helps you .
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