plz tell me some features of the munro system?????

Dear Student,

Sir Thomas Munro is considered as the father of the `Ryotwari system'.

  • In this system, each registered holder of a land was considered as its proprietor.
  • He was at liberty to sublet his property
  • He was at liberty to increase or decrease his holding as long as he pays a fixed amount to the government directly

Hope it helps!

  • 3

Munro Systems, Inc. specializes in custom built pre-fabricated pump stations. A strong believer in technology, Munro Systems, Inc. strives to use the latest technology to the benefit of the end user. Whether for municipalities, golf courses, or subdivision use, the prefabricated stations Munro Systems designs will use the technology necessary for the maximization of the system. Because of the “custom built” concept Munro Systems employs, Munro Systems can retrofit existing stations with the newest controls and pump components.

i hope it helped u please give me thumbs upp
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