Plzz find this

Plzz find this 7. Rearrange the following in correct sequence pertaining to what is given within brackets at the end. (a) Effector — Sensory neuron — Receptor — Motor neuron — Stimulus — Central nervous system — Response (Reflex arc) (b) Repolarisation — Depolarisation — Resting (polarised) (during conduction of nerve impulse through a nerve fibre) (c) Axon endings — Nucleus — Dendrites — Axon — Perikaryon — Dendron (Neuron structure) (d) Diencephalon — Cerebellum — Medulla oblongata — Pons — Cerebrum — mid brain (sequence of parts of human brain).

Dear student,
Q7(a)Reflex arc
Stimulus------Receptor------Sensory neuron---------Central Nervous System-------Motor Neuron-------Effector-------Response.
(b)During conduction of nerve impulse through a nerve fibre.
(c)Neuron structure
Dendrite------Dendron------Perikaryon-------Nucleus-----Axon-----Axon endings
(d)Sequence of parts of human brain
Cerebrum------Diencephalon-----Midbrain------Cerebellum-----Pons-----Medulla oblongata

  • 2
a) Stimulus - Receptor - Sensory neuron - Central NS - Motor neuron - Effector - response
  • 0
b) Resting - depolarisation - repolarisation
  • 1
c)Dendrite - Dendron - Perikaryon - Nucleus - Axon - Axon endings
  • 1
d) Cerebrum - Diencephalon - Mid brain - Cerebullum - Pons - Medulla oblongata
  • 1
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