Q.1 Journeys are a great addition to our experience of life. Valli’s journey to city added

to her vision of life. Comment.
Q.2 Personal Losses are a part and parcel of life. Instead of wailing on them, we should
move on in life. This message of Gautam Buddha has become more relevant in
modern times. Do you agree ? Why / Why not ?
Q. 3 A Little help and guidance to those who are experiencing grief may help them
understand and overcome grief. It is a big relief for the grieving person if support
and care are extended to them. Explain citing examples from the chapter ‘The
Sermon at Benaras’
Q.4 The teachings of great persons enable us to face even the most challenging
problems of life. How does the lesson ‘The Sermon at Benaras’ supports this.

We have answered one of your queries and recommend you to come up with possible answers to the rest.


Answer 1:

Journeys are a great addition to our experience of life. Valli’s journey to city added to her vision of life. This is true as far as Valli's entire experience of bus journey is concerned. She was a carefree, bubbly person at the beginning of her journey. Her aim and planning for this trip in the bus is noteworthy. However, she was enlightened about the real crude face of life on her way back. She witnessed the sight of death of a young cow. She was awestruck on the fact of how something that was alive a few moments back could lie dead in so much blood just after a while. Something which seemed charming when alive looked so horrible when lifeless. Thus, she learnt that there were so many things that happened in life beyond our knowledge.


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