Q.1 What is V.D.M.T ?

Q.2 What is DPRP in disaster management team of sukhpar village ?

Q.3 What was the role blok development officer in sukhpar ?

Q. 4 Who is the vulnerable people in any disaster ?

Q5. How did the scool of sukhpur village support in disaster management inneceatie ?

Dear Student,

1)V.D.M.T.: Village Disaster Management Teams

2)District disaster preparedness and response plan (DPRP). 

3)Role that Block Development Officer played in Sukhpar was that of guidance and support.

4)Vulnerable people in any disaster are those which includes groups that may feel they cannot comfortably or safely access and use the standard resources offered in disaster preparedness, response, and recovery.

Refer to the chapter for last question.

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