Q.160. A person suffers from punctures in his chest cavity in an accident, without any damage to the lung. Its effect could be
(1) A reduction in breathing rate followed by an increase in breathing rate
(2) Only rapid increase in breathing rate
(3) No change in respiration
(4) Cessation of breathing

Dear student

Please refer the solution below for the said query

The corect option  is 4.
The chest cavity is the air tight cavity. The changes in the volume of the chest cavity causes changes in the air pressure inside the lungs allowing breathing of air. Any puncture in the chest cavity would lead to loss of pressure gradient and hence cessation of breathing. 

Hope this information clears your doubt about the topic.


  • 7
It is 4 option in ncert exemplar
  • -1
Option 4 is  correct.  
The movement of air into and out of the lungs is due to development of pressure gradient between the lungs and the atmosphere. Punctures in persons chest may lead to loss of pressure gradient and thus lead to cessation.
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