Q 19. You ______________ stop tapping your feet, __________ ?

A.can, couldn't you
B. couldn't, could you
C. could, can't you
D. can't, can't you

20. The students and parents _____________ the school to speed up exam result processing.

A. have asked 
B. has been asking 
C. are being asked 
D. had had asked 

21. Don't worry, Sanjay ________ be better in time _____ your school play tomorrow .

A. had, up 
B. will, in 
C. should, for 
D. would, all 

Dear Student,
19. You couldn’t stop tapping your feet, could you?
20. The students and parents have asked the school to speed up exam result processing.
21. Don’t worry. Sanjay should better be in time for your school play.
Hope this answers your question. For further doubts, please ask on the forum and our experts will be happy to help you as soon as possible.

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