Q 27. You are given four ammeters with given least counts. Which of the following would you prefer for doing an experiment most accurately to find the equivalent resistance of two resistors, when connected in parallel ?

(a) Ammeter with least count 0.25 A
(b) Ammeter with least count 0.1 A
(c) Ammeter with least count 0.5 A
(d) Ammeter with least count 0.5 A

Dear student,

The smallest value that can be measured by the measuring instrument is called its least count.

Here, Ammeter in part b has the smallest value of the least count. Hence, it will determine the equivalent resistance of two resistances most accurately.


  • 3
  • 4
The answer is b because they have told you that the measurement must be ""ACCURATE"", so the on ewith least least count is preferred
  • 0
why your answer is c
  • -1
@Yashi Kant 
I think the answer is b
  • 2
What are you looking for?