​Q.4 V2V, + V2 V, M and M denote the atomic masses of the parent and the daughter nuclei respectively in a radioactive decay. The Q-value for a ß-decay is QI and that for a decay is Qz. If me denotes the mass of an electron, then which of the following statements is CORRECT ? Q QI Q2 t I me : (A) Q, = & 2me)c2 (C) Q -My - 2me) & (M. -My +2 --—-frhe energy released by the fission of a single uranium nucleus is 200 MeV. The number of fissions of uranium nucleus per second required to produce 16 MW of power is:- (Assume emciency of the reactor is 50%) 200 MeVitTtl 16 50%

Dear student

in beta minus decayMX=MY+1e-1In this reaction there is no change in mass number .But atomic number of Y increases by one.Let the atomic number of X is Z so atomic number of Y is (Z+1)Mass of nucleus of X=(MX-Zme)Mass of nucleus of Y=(MY-(Zme+1me))mass of product=Mass of nucleus of Y+mass of electron=(MY-(Zme+1me))+me=MY-ZmeMass of nucleus of X-mass of product=(MX-Zme)-(MY-Zme)=(MX-MY)so energy released is =(MX-MY)c2in beta plus decayMX=MY+1e+1In this reaction there is no change in mass number .But atomic number of Y decreases by one.Let the atomic number of X is Z so atomic number of Y is (Z-1)Mass of nucleus of X=(MX-Zme)Mass of nucleus of Y=(MY-(Zme-1me))mass of product=Mass of nucleus of Y+mass of electron=(MY-(Zme-1me))+me=MY-Zme+2meMass of nucleus of X-mass of product=(MX-Zme)-(MY-Zme+2me)=(MX-MY-2me)so energy released is =(MX-MY-2me)c2Regards

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