Q. A well of diameter 4m is dug 14m deep. The earth taken out is spread evenly all around the well to form 40 cm high embankment. Find the width of the embankment. Please don't ask to refer some other question. Solve this please

Dear Student ,
Please find below the solution to the asked query :

Diameter of well=4 mRadius of well , r=42=2 mHeight of well , h=14 mVolume of Earth dugged out=πr2h=π×22×14Let R and H be the outer radius and height of the embankment.H = 40 cm=40100 m =0.4 mVolume of earth in the embankment=π R2-r2H=π×R2-22×0.4Now,Volume of earth in the embankment=Volume of Earth dugged outπ×R2-22×0.4=π×22×14R2-22=4×140.4R2-4=140R2=144R=12 mWidth of the the embankment=R-r=12-2=10 m .     ANS...
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