Q. Jatin scored 570 marks out of 600. What is the percentage of marks scored?
Q. In a library, 5600 books out of 8000 books were issued to the children. What percentage of books issued to children.
Q. John spent Rs. 5,600 out of Rs. 10,,000. He purchased a watch as a gift for his grandfather. What percentage of amount left with John.

Dear Student,

Question 8)Marks scored= 570total marks=600percentage of marks=marks scoredtotal marks×100=570600×100=5706=95%Question 9)john spent 5600 rupees for watchtotal money john had=10000percentage of money spent=560010000×100=56100×100=56%question 10)number of books issued=5600total number of books=8000percentage of books issued=56008000×100=5680×100=5608=70%


  • 1
What a handwriting! It is disgusting
  • 0
See mine is so beautiful.

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