Q. Prove : (- 1) × (- 1) = 1. Please experts, answer this, according to the context or reference given in the picture.
Euler in his Ankitung zur Algebra(1770), was one of the first mathematicians to attempt to prove (- 1) × (- 1) = 1


From the distributive law of multiplication we have

a*(b+c) = a*b + a*c

which holds for all real numbers. So it will hold if we put a=-1, b=1 and c=-1 

(-1)*(1+(-1)) = (-1)*1 + (-1)*(-1)

1+(-1) = 0 and -1*1 = -1 so we get

(-1)*0 = -1 + (-1)*(-1)
0 = -1 + (-1)*(-1)

rearrange to get

1 = (-1)*(-1)

  • 1
Minus symbol is cancelled both sides 
  • -1
Thank to answer. But, it just a rule to remember. But I want it's proof as given in the Ankitung Zur Algebra.
  • 0

(-1)*(-1) = 1*1
               = 1
               = (negative into negative= positive)
               = SO,  the answer is +1

  • 0
when 1*1=1
then -1*1=-1
but in -1*-1=1
then the minus symbol is cancelled because there are two minus sign 
  • 0
I know that (-)*(-) = (+)... But I want the proof of this law from the mentioned book ..
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It is a rule that if there is 2 minus or negative sign in a algebric multipilcation the answer will be always in positve just like (-2) ? (-3) = 6. This is an algebric rule.
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