Q)What is the apparent weight of the floation? And the answer given below why is it incorrect .I have said many times that "DO NOT SEND SIMILAR QUERIES"
Ans : Apparant weight of the flotation means the density of the body submerged in the fluid is equal to the upthrust.
   That is body will float in the submerged fluid.

Dear student, 

Your answer is partially correct. Refer this answer.
An object immersed in a fluid experience an upward force or buoyancy which opposes its normal weight due to gravity. The force of buoyancy F = Vρg , where V is the volume of the liquid displaced, ρ is the density of the liquid, and g is the acceleration due to gravity.
According to principle of floatation, a floating object displaces a weight of fluid equal to its own weight. Here since the weight of the body equals buoyancy force, apparent weight will be zero.



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