Q.write the range of the function f(x)=sin[x],where x belongs to[-pi/4,pi/4].

Q.write the range of function f(x)=cos[x],where x belongs to (-pi/2,pi/2).

Q.write the range of the function f(x)=e^(x-[x] ),x may be real num.

the range of the function f(x)=sin[x],where x belongs to[-pi/4,pi/4]

the domain of a sine function sin(x) is a complete real number set, (-infi , infi)

so there no any value of x which gives non defined , 

so, range of sin(x) is all the real numbers between -1 to 1 ,

hence, Range of sin(x) s [-1,1].

we can find this ans. on studying graph of sin(x), which continue to bounce between -1 to1

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